Hello, my name is
Sofia Drejmark
A frontend developer, based in Stockholm, Sweden.
Welcome to my portfolio
Project Portfolio
Explore a curated selection of my projects to get insights into my skills and expertise.
Through my projects, I strive to deliver quality solutions while incorporating thoughtful and practical approaches.
This is my portfolio, a website I've built with Next.js and TypeScript. Here, you can learn more about me and my projects.
Administrative Dashboard
This web application was designed to empowered administrators to manage user-generated content effectively.
An interactive gaming platform for the downloadable game Kalejdoskop.
Chat App
This is a mobile app that offers various functionalities, including user authentication (login and sign-up), real-time chat, shopping lists, and to-do lists.
Frontend Mentor - News homepage solution
This is a solution to the [News homepage challenge on Frontend Mentor].